5 reasons why you need to integrate your Documentum repository
by Sjoerd Alkema, on Jul 31, 2017 10:54:10 AM
After the Documentum acquisition by OpenText, you may consider replacing your legacy Documentum installation with a new enterprise content management (ECM) system. However, migration of your outdated Documentum installation might not be the right choice. Here’s why many of your colleagues nowadays prefer integration over migration.
With the help of an integration platform and intelligent integration connectors, Documentum content becomes immediately available in another, new application. So why integrate Documentum? Read on for five simple reasons why you might want to integrate your Documentum installation rather than migrate to an entirely new solution.
Do you use your Documentum ECM as a central archive, as your organization's central memory? If so, do you really want to risk losing this information? However, upon integration, you can be assured that this valuable content is never lost. No such guarantee can be made if you decide to migrate to another solution altogether.
2. Right rules
Have you implemented the correct compliancy and retention rules within your legacy Documentum system and are now incorporating a lot of intelligence? Then clearly you want to keep this intelligence and choose integration over migration.
3. Content is keyYour Documentum installation might be outdated and may not meet the needs of the user, but the content that is present in your installation is very valuable to every process in your organization. When it comes to replacing the user interface, integration is a faster option than migration. Likely less messy, too.
4. Internal document streams
If your organization processes internal document streams directly in Documentum, and these processes are outstanding, you likely would rather not transfer these processes to a new system. With a content integration approach, you are guaranteed that the processes are not interrupted, which is better for the organization.
You have chosen to phase out your legacy ECM, but this can be a long and complex process. You can, therefore, choose to temporarily integrate your legacy installation with your newly chosen system. When the new system is fully equipped then, at that point, you can phase out your Documentum repository.