As a business consultant, Maurice conceptualizes and realizes solutions for different (IT) problems and challenges. His focus is on creating a basis for acceptance within the organisation I work for.
By applying practices, techniques and knowledge derived from multiple disciplines like project management, change management, information technology, marketing, communication and a personal approach towards all people involved, I manage to build a decent foundation for any given behavioural, technical or process related change.
Recent Posts by Maurice Bakker:
by Maurice Bakker, on Apr 1, 2019 1:06:24 PM
The past decade we have seen thousands of organizations migrating their content from network/file share locations to managed content solutions, such as SharePoint. Anyone who has experience with migrating file …
Read Storyby Maurice Bakker, on Oct 16, 2018 10:50:03 AM
Migrating data to a new Nuxeo platform is usually seen as a huge challenge. Nuxeo is a modern content service platform that is able to handle a variety of use …
Read Storyby Maurice Bakker, on Jul 5, 2018 12:47:06 PM
The abbreviation ETL (Extract, Transform and Load) that is used to explain the phases to execute migrations, does not only represent the physical act of extracting, transforming and loading data …
Read Storyby Maurice Bakker, on Jan 18, 2018 5:07:43 PM
As in any information and technology related project the role that end-users play in whether or not a project succeeds is not any different when looking at conducting a content …
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Xillio is the leading content migration company in the world. We provide technology and services to help organizations get the best value out of their content, regardless of where it resides. Xillio is a Microsoft Content AI Preferred Partner.
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