Take control of the content explosion with content analysis
by Sjoerd Alkema, on Feb 20, 2021 3:11:46 PM
The enterprise content world is changing. Content is exploding. Costs and risks are growing.

Gartner warns enterprises must recognize the extraordinary growth in enterprise petabytes. Keeping storage for data under control is one of the most valuable propositions in the current Enterprise Content Management market, if not the most beneficial. Why now? The exponential growth of content is creating a significant impact on an organization's overall business and strategy.
How I did it myself
I recently did it myself, getting some control back of my own content. I started cleaning. I have many backup drives, an old laptop, a Dropbox account, a box account, a media center with pictures on it, some e-mail accounts, and I am sure there are more places where information resides that is of value to me. I am now gathering it all and trying to see if I recognize identical content, old stuff I do not want to keep, etc. I am doing this because I want to have it all in one place, in the cloud.
This sudden cleaning urge might come from the fact that I am now seeing these challenges with our clients in the ECM market. As I mentioned in my starting statement, I think we are now at the point where we have to act. And acting means insights, cleaning, consolidating, and getting in control. What I already find a challenge with my limited amount of content is a massive challenge for many different stakeholders in a large enterprise.
- CIO’s have no insights on what content is where and why and are facing content management issues.
- CFO’s see that the budget for IT storage and infra is growing more than the price is going down.
- Employees struggle to search for the right documents
- Privacy Officers are struggling with the risks of the unstructured information residing on network drives, SharePoint, e-mail and so on.
Let's get back to my situation. I would have loved to have had a tool to connect to all my content sources and get some essential insights into how many double pictures I have stored and old versions of my presentations. Understanding how much content I have held on different sources, locally and in the cloud, would have saved me a lot of time.
You can get it for your enterprise
How about a dashboard that makes all your content visual, where you can click through and analyze your content. Quickly disposing of duplicates and content of no value, move content to cheaper archives or other secured environments. I didn't find anything like this for my personal use, but you can do this for your enterprise. You can get insights to save costs, identify risks, and improve your company's efficiency!
It's a good case
I am talking about storage, backup, and infra costs and leaving increased productivity for your employees, leaving the right content for decisions, efficient search results, etc. out of the equation
Gartner says IT managers responsible for storage product portfolio vision and strategy must recognize the extraordinary growth in enterprise petabytes delivered during the first quarter of 2020. An enduring acceleration in consumer and corporate data in the early months of last year, resulting in an archive avalanche.
How you should do it
Our solution utilizes our experience and knowledge of intelligent and automated classification. This technology determines the value and context of the content. Combined with business rules and full-text search technology, it caters to your organization's requirements to get insights into the dark content you want.
It is time to get in control of the content explosion now. The business case is obvious. Why not start directly. Please contact me if you want to know more.
The key to a successful content insights